Mewing Before After for Females in 2024
We compiled the best mewing before and after results for females. Below, we show each photo with details on how each girl achieved her result. If interested, check out our Mewing Device to achieve your own results.
Source: Reddit threadÂ
Age: 24
Interval: 4 years
- aimed to maintain tongue posture 24/7
- used to be a mouth breather, but stopped breathing from her mouth “at all costs”
- used mouth tape at night to stop mouth breathing.Â
- used medical tape instead of duck tape because it’s more comfortable
- taped her mouth horizontally
- also did chin tucks (tucking the chin towards the back of the head and holding for 10 seconds) and mentions they are the holy grail
- did soft mewing for the first 3 years, but started hard mewing the last year
- mentioned hard mewing made he jaw wider and straightened her teeth
- during mewing, teeth were always in “butterfly touch” where it float on top of each other and only slightly touch sometimes
- didn’t lose weight, in fact she gained 15lbs

Source: Reddit threadÂ
Age: 28
Interval: 1 month
- solely focuses on soft mewing and body posture
- follows the routine of Dr Mandell to improve body posture
- noticed that when posture improves, mewing becomes easy
- doesn’t chew gum or hard food
- loves her new thicker lips
- mentions that the first month is the most difficult because her tongue gets tired
Source: Reddit thread
Age: unknown
Duration: 5 months
- mews 24/7 day and night
- doesn’t tape her mouth at night, but breathes through her nose all night
- frequently chews hard gum, but stops when her jaw is strained
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 17
Interval: 3 months
Strategy: unspecified
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 19
Duration: 3 years
- mews “all day every day”
- checks her posture every 30 minutes
- used to chew hard gum, but stopped after a few months
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 28
Duration: 5 months
- had jaw surgery that deformed her face when she was younger, so she started mewing at 28 to improve her appearance
- chewed several times a day for 10 minutes at a time. Instead of chewing on gum, she chews on soft silicone trays that people use for teeth whitening. She prefers trays over gum because it applies even pressure on both sides of the jaw
- added lip filler to get thicker lips
- did thumb pulling twice a day (morning and night) for 5 minutes each time. She uses her thumbs to push sideways on her palate to expand the palate
Source: Reddit threadÂ
Interval: 2.5 years
- noticed that it’s now easier to breathe through the nose
- noticed that here palate has more space for mewing
- didn’t lose weight between the two photos, in fact she gained 4 pounds
- didn’t practice hard chewing
- took her one month to be able to place the tongue properly on the roof of the mouth
- took about one year to be able to mew during her sleep
- took her about a year to notice significant physical changes
She also replicated the exact same angle as before and created an overlay that shows the changes at her jawline and nose
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 28
Interval: 1 year
Strategy: did not provide details
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 19
Interval: 8 months
- soft mewing, but did not obsess over it because it stressed her
- she tried strengthening her tongue with hard mewing, but was not consistent
- she’s still trying to master the suction hold because she struggles with it
- felt that some of her gains relapsed during covid lockdown because of lack of exercise and movement
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 28
Time: 1 month
- used the mewing app by Dr. Mike Mew
- her favourite exercise is the “click click swallow” where you do 2 clicks with your tongue, then try to swallow with your tongue only
- practices hard mewing daily, where she applies strong force with her tongue to train the muscle
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 25
Interval: 6 months
- tries to mew every day
- does hard mewing from time to time to strengthen tongues
- sometimes able to mew at night, other times not
Age: 17
Interval: 4 months
- soft mewing daily
- taped mouth at night to stop breathing from the nose
- did exercise and gained weight
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 26
Interval: 3 months
- soft mewing every day
- did gua sha massages to reduce the double chin
Source: Reddit thread
Age: unknown
Interval: 2 weeks
- soft mewing
- chewing hard gum
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 21
Interval: 4 years
- used to be a mouth breather, but stopped mouth breathing and started mewing
- no hard mewing or chewing
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 30
Interval: 1.5 years
- soft mewing, but not fully consistent. She was unable to maintain proper tongue posture throughout the day and night
- no hard mewing
- the most difficult part of mewing was the first week when she was getting used to the movement
- recently, she added hard mewing for a couple minutes a day to improve her results
- recently, she starter focusing more on her entire body posture. She has scoliosis
- she confirmed that she is not jutting her jaw forward in the after picture
Source: Reddit thread
Age: 21
Interval: 5 months
- does both soft mewing and hard mewing
- struggled to keep a proper lip seal during mewing
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The Mewing Appliance is a device that helps you maintain proper tongue posture. When placed in the mouth, the device trains you to mew properly by becoming uncomfortable when your tongue drops from your palate.
Full refund guarantee. If you are not satisfied with, contact us within two weeks for a full refund. You don't have to ship anything back.
Free shipping. Arrives within two weeks to the USA and within three weeks internationally.
Lifetime replacement. If you lose your Mewing Appliance, we replace it for free.
Medical-grade silicon. The material we use is compliant with FDA requirements.